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Here’s Why You Should Choose Wooden Indoor Kids’ Gym Over Plastic Ones

As beneficial as exercising can be to adults, being physically active also offers great advantages for kids. Through regular exercise (like playing using an indoor kids gym), these youngsters can have stronger muscles and bones, improve their heart health, control their weight, and lower their risk of developing different illnesses, including diabetes.

For convenience and safety purposes, especially now that we’re living in a Covid-riddled world, many parents turn to invest in indoor playhouse equipment. A kid’s gym is typically made from wood or plastic. And in this article, we’re delving into the five best reasons to convince you to opt for the former.

They are free of toxic chemicals. Compared with plastic, a wooden kids’ gym contains no harmful ingredients or substances. Rather, it’s made of organic materials, which can give you peace of mind that your little one can be physically active without compromising his or her safety. Just make sure that you purchase your wooden play equipment from a reputable supplier.

They are more flexible. Because wood is easier to work with when constructing play equipment for kids, this material allows manufacturers to be more flexible with their designs. From a simple climbing playhouse to something with more complex features like a slide or a monkey bar, wood can be used to create a wide array of indoor kid’s gyms.

They are more durable. Unlike plastic-made play equipment, those made from wooden materials are more difficult to break and more susceptible to several types of damage. Financially speaking, it’s a wise investment that your future children can also enjoy. Bear in mind to follow what’s in the manual concerning proper storage and maintenance.

They are eco-friendly. Thanks to modern technology, wood can now be harvested in a more Earth-friendly manner. And compared with plastic, the process of manufacturing wooden kid’s gym leave less carbon footprint. In sum, it’s not only kid-friendly — it’s also safer for the environment.

They are more aesthetically pleasing. Wooden play equipment gives off a more neutral appearance. This versatility can make it fit a diverse range of nursery themes, designs, and styles. Whether your little one’s personal space is rustic or is leaning to the more modern side of the spectrum, this product can add an aesthetic value higher than those made from plastic.

Beyond Exercise

Apart from being a tool that allows kids to exercise and be physically active, a kids gym also offers more benefits.

A piece of play equipment can be customised to suit every age. And because it’s an indoor one, parents or guardians can better supervise active children. It also helps develop kids’ imagination and creativity — a kid’s gym can be “transformed” into different settings, like a castle, a jungle, or a spacecraft.

Moreover, as this facility entails climbing and several other physical activities, it can help its users conquer their fears and be more adventurous.

Simply put, it’s something that can foster holistic development for children

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