Death Stranding to Get a New Photo Mode Update for PS4 And PC
A new update has been introduced to the popular game Death Stranding by its developers, the Kojima Productions. With this new update, a photo mode has been added to this open-world game. The latest 1.12 update can now be found at PS4, which lets the players take snapshots of the oddly beautiful post-apocalyptic world of the game.
The developers of the game have revealed that this new photo mode will allow the players to change angels, adjust frames and color settings, and even change the expression of the protagonist Sam Bridges. The fact is that the game is based on an open world, and it lacks much of other infrastructure by default. Thus, this photo log can help in representing a sparse time before the protagonist connects with the world, or after the player has helped in rebuilding society.
The announcement of the new photo mode in Death Stranding was first made for the PC version that is slated to be released in June. But, Hideo Kojima, the head of the company’s studio, announced that even the PS4 users would get to try the photo mode thanks to the free update coming up shortly. The PC versions might also include ultra-wide monitor support and a high frame-rate option. You can think that this represents the trend that PS4 games like Horizon: Zero Dawn are going to PC eventually, but Sony asks the gamers not to get their hopes too high.
Death Stranding has been called one of the best games of GameSpot in 2019, and now it is being held as one of the best games to play while being at home. The story of people being isolated because of an external threat might just resonate too well during the present times.